Samsung was the first in line with Galaxy S6 Edge, which adapts a dual curve glass display to achieve an amazing design. World renowned Apple followed by launching the iPhone 6S Plus taking its place as the first series of this size. The trust worthy Huawei ended the year with the groundbreaking Mate 8, the first of its kind to compete boldly in the market. The smartphone was also introduced at the CES in Las Vegas recently and won several awards for its screen size, improved fingerprint recognition technology, camera quality, slim and attractive design, superior battery capacity and power consumption optimization, octa-core processor and rapid charging technology.
Although all these smartphones are touch screens but they have differentiating qualities and functions. Lets consider some of the differentiating factors:
Mate 8 earned its first place as one of the biggest batteries. The Huawei Mate 8 comes with a non-removable Li-Po 4000 mAh battery, which gives consumers almost 2 days heavy use with a full battery charge. In comparison, the Apple iPhone 6S Plus has a non-removable Li-Ion 2750 mAh battery and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has a non-removable Li-Ion 2600 mAh.
Both the Huawei Mate 8 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge come with a 16MP rear-facing camera while the Apple iPhone 6S Plus has a 12MP rear-facing camera. With the ubiquitous nature of ‘selfies’ most smartphones are putting more consideration into the front-facing camera. The Apple iPhone 6S Plus and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge have a 5MP front-facing camera while the Huawei Mate 8 comes with an 8MP front-facing camera to give consumers the best selfie experience.
Operating System
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge runs on Android OS, v5.0.2 (Lollipop), upgradable to v5.1.1 (Lollipop); the Apple iPhone 6S Plus runs on iOS 9, upgradable to iOS 9.2 and the Huawei Mate 8 runs on Android OS, v6.0 (Marshmallow).
Huawei Mate 8 proudly boats of a larger phone workspaceowing to its 6.0 inches size with ~78.0% screen-to-body ratio. The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge came close with a~71.7% screen-to-body ratio but is 5.1 inches. Apple being larger than the Samsung S6 edge manufactured the iPhone 6S Plus to be 5.5 inches in size but with ~67.7% screen-to-body ratio.
Huawie mate 8
Apple iPhone 6s plus
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge comes in White Pearl, Black Sapphire, Gold Platinum and Green Emerald.Huawei Mate 8 is designed in Champagne Gold, Moonlight Silver, Space Gray and Mocha Brown. Apple iPhone 6S Plus gives the consumers four choices of colour - Space Gray, Silver, Gold and Rose Gold.
Card Slot
The Apple iPhone 6S and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge have no option for a card slot while the Huawei Mate 8 comes with an option for a microSD, up to 128 GB (uses SIM 2 slot). In addition it creates room for an extra sim to avoid the use of two mobile phones.
For the technical lovers you may want to know that the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has the Quad-core 1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 & Quad-core 2.1 GHz Cortex-A57; the Apple iPhone 6S Plus has the Dual-core 1.84 GHz Twister and the Huawei Mate 8 has the Quad-core 2.3 GHz Cortex-A72 + quad-core 1.8 GHz Cortex A53.
Memory Space and Special Features
Although The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge comes with 3 GB RAM memory space, Huawei Mate 8 equally has 3 GB RAM against the Apple iphone 6s Plus which has 2 GB RAM. Huawei Mate 8 offers the reverse charge function enabling its users to charge another device. The finger print screen access feature used by Apple was modified by the Mate 8 by placing the feature at the back making it easier for users to unlock their screens just by picking up their phones. Also the Mate 8 added the water ripple design with an ultimate visual experience without the need of a phone cover.
After the comparative analysis of the 3 smartphones, it is clear that the Huawei Mate 8 can hold its own against the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and Apple iPhone 6S.
Well, with all specifications and designs of these three smart phone, each smart phone has their various advantages but which product is the consumer’s favorite?
What do you think about these smart phones?....make a choice
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